It can be extremely stressful, and even frightening, to discover that your dog has a broken leg. In today's article, our Lakewood vets explain how to identify signs of a bone fracture and discuss treatment, recovery, and more.

How to Identify a Fractured Bone

When a dog breaks a bone, you'll often see signs right away. The bone will have typically broken through the skin and caused significant pain. However, bones can also break inside the body without emerging through the sin. 

If your dog whimpers or whines when a specific part of the body is touched, this may indicate that your canine companion has sustained a significant injury. Other symptoms that your dog has broken a bone may include:

  • Asymmetrical appearance (one joint looks swollen, deformed, or otherwise abnormal or out of place)
  • Bending, twisting, or shortening of the joint 
  • Difficulty moving the joint, accompanied by stiffness and pain
  • Bruising and swelling around the affected joint 

Never try to put a dislocated joint back into place, as any attempts to do so can lead to further damage. 

What should I do if I suspect my dog has a broken bone?

If you notice that your dog is displaying any of the signs listed above and you suspect they may have sustained a broken bone, contact Red Rocks Animal Center or your closest emergency veterinary clinic as soon as possible. 

Specifically, take these steps to ensure your dog gets the help they need:

1. Stay Calm 

Every pup parent adores their four-legged friend and shudders at the thought of their dog getting injured or sick. Unfortunately, just like us, our dogs can fall ill and experience physical injuries. 

Broken bones in dogs are more common than you might predict, but the first thing you should remember is to remain calm. Your dog will likely be frightened and in pain, and will be relying on you to get them the veterinary attention and care they need. As their owner, you need to remain calm enough to get them emergency veterinary care right away. 

2. Arrange Emergency Veterinary Care Right Away 

If you believe your dog may have broken a bone, the injury will need to be assessed and treated by an emergency veterinarian as soon as possible. Fortunately, our vets are here to provide compassionate emergency care. 

Write down as much information about the suspected cause of the fractured bone, so you can provide it to the veterinarian. Depending on how the injury happened (fall, struck by an object, etc.), the veterinarian may be able to provide insight into the fracture and/or check your dog for other potential injuries

3. Don't Try to Repair the Injury Yourself 

Do not try to splint or set the broken bone, or even apply any ointments, creams, or sprays to the injury. These actions can cause your dog to grow more agitated and bite due to pain. 

If your dog's wound is bleeding heavily, wrap the injury carefully with a clean cloth and apply pressure to stop the bleeding. You may need to muzzle your dog while you're doing this to keep them from biting due to pain. 

Cover your dog with a blanket to keep them as warm and comfortable as possible. 

4. Get Help to Move Your Dog 

When you first discover your dog's injury, move them indoors to a quiet, safe location if they aren't already there. 

You'll need to take your dog to an animal clinic for emergency care, so try to get some help, especially if you have a larger breed dog. It's critical to move your dog carefully and steadily to avoid further discomfort or injury. You will likely also want someone to accompany you to the vet to keep your dog company and offer assistance. 

Remember that relocating your dog after a bone fracture or injury can be painful for them, so using a muzzle may be important to preventing anyone from being injured. 

How Broken Bones in Dogs Are Treated 

Your veterinarian will assess your dog's broken leg and the severity of the injury or injuries, then recommend treatment options. These options may include performing orthopedic surgery to repair the bone, setting the bone, or, in extremely severe cases, amputating the limb.

Your dog will likely need X-rays of the injured area to assess the type and extent of the fracture. They may also need to be sedated and/or medicated to relieve pain during this process. 

The veterinarian can also prescribe a series of medications, including anti-inflammatory medication, pain control, antibiotics, and more. These will help the wound heal and prevent infections. 

Healing Time & Recovery for Dogs With Broken Bones

After your dog's broken bone has been repaired, your pooch will need quite a bit of healing time. Your veterinarian will likely fit your dog for a cast and may recommend therapy to restore natural mobility. 

Recovery will typically take a couple of months, depending on the severity of the injury. The cast may be required for more or less time accordingly.

While your dog has the cast on, they may need to wear a cone (e-collar) to prevent licking or chewing on the cast. This is important to avoid damage to the cast or ingestion of harmful objects.

A puppy or dog with a broken leg won't be able to run, jump or play until they have healed. Restricting your dog's activity will help to prevent further injury and support a successful recovery. However, they should be walked regularly and engage in gentle exercise according to the recommendations of a veterinarian and/or physical therapist. 

The vet may recommend using cold ice packs or providing gentle massages to the injury to aid recovery. Following these instructions carefully can significantly impact the healing process. However, if the vet doesn't recommend these treatments, it's best to let the bone heal naturally. 

As you might imagine, wearing the cast and the e-collar may cause your dog some discomfort, so try to help them feel as comfortable as possible while they recuperate. 

Veterinary Orthopedic Surgery in Lakewood 

At Red Rocks Animal Center, our team's first priority is supporting your pet's continued health and longevity.

If your dog has broken a bone, they may need orthopedic surgery to repair the injury. Our veterinary surgeons perform orthopedic procedures to repair joints, skeletal systems, and associated soft tissues (including cartilage, ligaments, muscles, and tendons) in pets. 

These procedures can improve your dog's mobility, alleviate pain, and help them enjoy a good quality of life for years to come. 

From the moment you arrive at our hospital, you can count on us to guide you through the diagnostic and treatment process, address any questions or concerns you may have, and closely monitor your pet's recovery process .

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Do you suspect your dog may have fractured a bone? Contact Red Rocks Animal Center. We can treat this veterinary emergency and recommend appropriate treatment, which may include surgery.