If your vet has diagnosed your cat with arthritis, you will likely be concerned about their well-being. Here, our vets in Lakewood discuss how changing your cat's food can be helpful for arthritis.

Arthritis in Cats

Approximately 20% of cats suffer from painful osteoarthritis (arthritis) in one or more joints, which often increases with age.

Since cats are living longer, every cat owner will likely face the issue of osteoarthritis at some point.

For cats with osteoarthritis, treatment can include a change in diet to help manage symptoms.

Cat Food for Arthritis Management

Arthritis is a condition in which the joints become inflamed. To reduce the strain on your cat's joints, it is recommended that you adjust their diet to help them lose weight. Extra fat, especially white fat that releases hormones, can cause inflammation in an obese cat. Since arthritis is essentially inflammation of the joints, anything that causes inflammation should be avoided. The best approach is to keep your cat lean and healthy to prevent these issues.

What should you feed your cat to help with arthritis?

Diet can be crucial in managing a cat's osteoarthritis by controlling their weight. Recent research has highlighted the significant impact of fat accumulation in overweight and obese cats with arthritis. This excess fat stresses their joints and releases inflammatory hormones, intensifying inflammation and causing additional pain.

Consequently, weight and obesity play a more crucial role in the development and progression of arthritis in cats than previously believed.

However, ensuring a healthy body weight for cats is usually not your only concern. The goal is also to assist them in burning fat while maintaining or increasing muscle mass. Consulting with your veterinarian should help you select a suitable diet for your cat and assist with daily portion control.

Additionally, certain dietary supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids and glucosamine, can have anti-inflammatory properties and promote joint lubrication, further aiding in managing cat arthritis symptoms. Your vet should be able to recommend supplements based on your cat's specific needs.

After successfully reducing your cat's weight, you can expect to see a significant improvement in their condition. With the reduced weight, there will be less stress on their joints, resulting in increased mobility and reduced pain. Additionally, your cat may experience improved overall health and energy levels, as maintaining a healthy weight has numerous benefits for their well-being."

What if my cat is experiencing other conditions along with arthritis?

If you have an elderly cat, it is likely that it is also struggling with other health conditions, some of which may be long-lasting. Your veterinarian is the best person to guide you on your cat's dietary requirements, which will help manage arthritis and other issues. Often, a specific nutritional diet can reduce the need for additional medications, making life easier for you and your furry friend.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. Please make an appointment with your vet to accurately diagnose your pet's condition or boarding needs.

If your cat begins to show any concerning symptoms or behavioral changes, contact our Lakewood vets right away.